Paso doble in Andalusia

By Inherit

El Cubo, Pasaje Doctor Carrillo Casaux, s/n, Málaga, Spain

French President George Pompidou was an advocate of great changes in France. The construction of Beaubourgh, the center of arts and culture known today as the Pompidou Center, began during his presidency.

In 2015, the first and only branch of the Pompidou Center in the world was opened. In Malaga. 7600m2. About 200,000 visitors a year (2019). Semi-permanent setups. They last two and a half years. Occasional exhibitions.

In 2022, in Malaga, Barcelo and Nadj “dance” paso doble, Sophie Calle enjoys a room with a view, and Sabrina Ratte, Floralia III, is “complimentary”.

There are also Dalí’s Hallucinations with Lenin, Juan Munoz is represented by the sculptures Four Piggybacks with Knife – laughter and anxiety in one face.

Cristina Iglesias, an installation artist from San Sebastian, allowed me to peek into her pavilion.

Slavko Kopač, from Vinkovci, left for Pompidou. The one in Paris. After the masterful presentation in the HDLU House – Meštrović’s pavilion. The ArtRencontre Association of the Floričić family, with works from its own holdings, bestowed us a meeting with a modest Slavonian with a French address.

(Contemporary) art. Energy. Learning. This is the process that encyclopedias define as storing data in a memory store. Experiences from Malaga and Meštrović’s pavilion are learning delights. And the preparation for interpretations. Some new challenges. Challenge yourself.